Your Gateway to the Journey of Healing

We at BrahmaVid are committed to providing you with the best holistic healthcare and support you in your healing journey. We offer services that range from customized treatment plans to nutrition and lifestyle counseling.

Wellness is not achieved overnight. It takes courage, discipline, and dedication to achieve and maintain optimum health. We ensure that you receive a personalized care plan customized to your needs. Your well-being is our priority!

Our Services

We at BrahmaVid offer the following services and want to be a role model by helping to shift the healthcare mindset from an illness focused treatment to an individually focused holistic healing approach.

Health & Wellness

We provide personalized services to help diagnose the root cause of an illness and support you in achieving optimum health and well-being.

Spiritual Coaching

Curious about the relationship between spiritual dimension and your physical existence?

Yoga & Meditation

Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned pro, you'll find a thoughtful combination of restorative and revitalizing Yoga and Meditaion sessions at BrahmaVid.

Vegan/Plant-Based Diet Counseling

With the help of Nutrigenomix research is now showing how our genetics are affected by what we eat. Using that knowledge we are able to determine the best plant based diet for your genetics.

General Health Counseling

In 480 BC, Hippocrates noted that “positive health requires knowledge of man’s primary constitution”. This was just an ancient way of saying that we cannot achieve optimum health without knowing about our genes.

Infertility Counseling

Research shows that the nutritional status of both women and men can impact fertility. We also know that specific variations in our genes can explain why some of us respond differently from others to the same foods, beverages and supplements we consume.

What Is Our Mission?

Our mission is to genuinely care for people and offer services to support them as they pursue their healing journey. We will contribute in helping build a society that is happy, healthy, peaceful, and curious to learn about alternative healing approaches. We also want to empower people with the knowledge they need to make the right decisions to improve their health and wellness.

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    Learning Resources

    To arm you with more knowledge about health and wellness and to show you the advantages of adopting wiser dietary choices, BrahmaVid Wellness offers blogs, tri-fold brochures, research, and other educational tools.